Schoolyard Habitats®

The National Wildlife Federation is committed to supporting school communities in developing their schoolyard habitats.

This campaign utilizes the National Wildlife Federation Schoolyard Habitats® Planning Guide to plan, build, and maintain your NWF Schoolyard Habitats® garden, leading you through a clear, step-by-step process. Utilize the Schoolyard Habitats action cards for each step of the process, from assessing the site to maintaining the habitat. Support pollinators like native bees and monarch butterflies by building a food or pollinator garden. Participate to earn your Schoolyard Habitats badge for 2025!

2025 EcoSchools U.S. Schoolyard Habitats Badge

Schoolyard Habitats® Campaign Overview

Learn more about the Schoolyard Habitats® campaign below.

  • Complete the 5 required cards found in the EcoSchools Certification Application (ECA): Engage the Community, Assess Your Site, Design the Habitat, Build the Habitat, Maintain the Habitat.
    For Design the Habitat, select from one of six garden projects
    • Create a Rain Garden
    • Grow a Schoolyard Forest
    • Indoor Gardening and Greenhouses
    • Build a Pollinator Garden
    • Build an Edible Garden
    • Use a Create Your Own action card in the development of a type of garden not listed above

This is a full school year campaign.

Be sure to review the campaign-associated Action Cards for additional resources:

  • The Schoolyard Habitats Planning Guide 
  • Schoolyard Habitats webinar series:
    • Webinar #1: Moving beyond the Garden: Creating your Schoolyard Outdoor Classroom 
    • Webinar #2: Best Practices of Outdoor Learning: Moving From an Indoor to an Outdoor Educator
    • Webinar #3: Maximizing the Educational Potential of Your School Campus for Learning
    • Webinar #4: Expanding and Maintaining Your Outdoor Classroom for Learning: Design Ideas & Tools 
  • Additional resources and materials are found in each campaign action card.

  • Share your Impact: Share your Schoolyard Habitat stories tagging @EcoSchoolsUS #SDG11 #SDG15 #SchoolGarden
  • Learn how to certify your Schoolyard Habitat and consider purchasing a Certified Schoolyard Habitat sign to celebrate your accomplishments.
  • Be featured nationally or internationally! Your school may be selected and featured to a national or international audience through EcoSchools United States and Eco-Schools International.