Community Engagement

Sacred Grounds Community Engagement Ideas and Examples

Engaging the congregation

Engaging congregation members to help create wildlife habitat at the congregation as well as at their homes.

  • Faith leader speaks about restoring wildlife habitat and connection to faith to full congregation.
  • Use religious education programs (youth and/or adult) to educate about wildlife habitat stewardship and the environment.
  • Use wildlife habitat area as a sacred space (worship service, religious school lessons, group prayer, self-guided prayer walk, celebration service, and prayer garden).
  • Place an ad or banner on congregation website or social media profiles.
  • Host an informational table, or create a display which highlights the project.
  • Write an article about habitat work for congregation’s newsletter.
  • Host a celebration/dedication or blessing for the site.
  • Host a planting day.
  • Host a native plant swap or sale to promote the planting of native plants and/or raise funds to support additional native plant gardens throughout the community.
  • Host a workshop for members on how to create wildlife habitat at home.
  • Place interpretative signs and/or native plant identification signs as resource for individuals.
  • Record and post wildlife observed at the wildlife habitat area, for example as a congregation checklist or through citizen science websites.

Reaching Beyond the Congregation

Share your story and engage and inspire others in the effort to support healthier habitats and communities.

  • Write an article, blog, or social media posts about your Sacred Grounds project (e.g., in a faith network publication, local newspaper, magazine, website).
  • Host a garden tour.
  • Host a volunteer workday to plant, sustain, and/or improve the habitat.
  • Host a community workshop, in collaboration with local organizations and native plant nurseries, to educate community members on how they can create native plant gardens at home.
  • Engage other organizations and individuals that use your facility (e.g. Scouts, daycares/preschools, social service organizations, food pantries, etc.) through service projects, activities and events.

Learn More


Swamp Milkweed: Tom Potterfield

Native Plants:

Native plants will thrive in the soils, moisture, and weather of your region.

Bronze Frog: Julia Bartosh

GFW Resources:

Use our Garden for Wildlife® Resources to help build your wildlife habitat today.